mein eigenes BildAT 2022, 5 min digital 2K 16:9

In magnificent shots of animals and plants from amateur films, Sara Piñeros discovers a possible escape from herself. Rather than looking at the found footage that flashes as if from a dream world, she lets it take her into a kaleidoscopic self-perception in which her language and feelings are allowed to reassemble.  (Diagonale 23’,  Catalog text)

Script, editing, Sound Sara Piñeros 
Camera Renate Schweiger, Alejandro Quiñones, Sara Piñeros
Footage Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Amateur Abteilung
Voice Over Rita Tsampounari 
Voice Record Yorgos Tsabou 
Original format 8mm, Super8

Festivals and Screenings
Kasseler Dokfest 23’ (DE)
Corriente no ficción 23’ (PE)
MUTA Festival 23’ (PE)
Diagonale 23’ (AT)
Under the Radar 23’ (AT)
Cinema Next Tour 22’ (AT)